World News 2014

Chikungunya Virus Now Spreading To More U.S. States.
Jun 14, 2014

More states are reporting cases of a potentially deadly mosquito-borne virus called Chikungunya, prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to issue warnings to health departments across the United States.

Archbishop Condemns Satanic 'Black Mass' at Okla. City Civic Center as ‘Sacrilegious’
July 3, 2014

( – Catholic Archbishop Paul Coakley, head of the archdiocese of Oklahoma City, condemned a scheduled Black Mass by a satanic group, for which tickets are being sold at the Oklahoma City Civic Center, as “sacrilegious,” a “blasphemous mockery of the Mass.”

The archbishop also called upon community leaders and board members of the Oklahoma City Civic Center to “remedy this situation,” stressing that he hoped they did not want to “enable or encourage such a flagrantly inflammatory event.”

The Black Mass of Oklahoma, being offered by the group Dakhma of Angra Mainyu, is scheduled to take place in the Civic Center Music Hall on Sept. 21 at 7PM. Tickets are $15.00.
In the description for the event, the ticket office says, “The Black Mass has been a feared ritual, and now it’s being brought into the light! This will not only be enlightening but educational as well. This Black Mass will be conducted for the public to attend with certain adaptations to allow for a legal celebration.”
On the eventful ticket website, it describes the event as follows, “A Religious Black Mass will be conducted as a public event to help educate the public about Religious Satanism. The ritual has been toned down to meet the laws of Oklahoma and the rules of the government building. Enjoy the delights of the Devil.”

“For more than 1 billion Catholics worldwide and more than 200,000 Catholics in Oklahoma, the Mass is the most sacred of religious rituals,” Archbishop Coakley said in in a July 1 statement condemning the Black Mass.  “It is the center of Catholic worship and celebrates Jesus Christ’s redemption of the world by his death and resurrection. In particular, the Eucharist – which we believe to be the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ – is the source and summit of our faith.”

“That’s why we’re astonished and grieved that the Civic Center would promote as entertainment and sell tickets for an event that is very transparently a blasphemous mockery of the Mass,” he said. “The ‘Black Mass’ that is scheduled for the Civic Center in September is a satanic inversion and distortion of the most sacred beliefs not only of Catholics, but of all Christians.”

The archbishop asked those allowing the event, “to reconsider whether this is an appropriate use of public space,” adding, “we trust that community leaders – and, in particular, the board members of the Oklahoma City Civic Center – do not actually wish to enable or encourage such a flagrantly inflammatory event and can surely remedy this situation.”

Archbishop Coakley also said that if the event moves forward, “we will have to consider other peaceful, prayerful and respectful options to demonstrate our opposition to this publicly supported sacrilegious act.”

“In the meantime, I call on all Catholics in central and western Oklahoma – as well as all men and women of good will – to pray for a renewed sense of the sacred and, in particular, to pray that the Lord might change the hearts and minds of the organizers of this event,” he concluded.
The permit to hold the Black Mass reportedly was signed by Adam Daniels, an apparent member of Dakhma of Angra Mainyu. sent questions by e-mail to the Angra Mainyu, but the group did not respond before this story was posted.

On the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu website it discusses the Black Mass and says, “The modern form of the Black Mass is still practiced by modern Devil Worshipers to celebrate the perversion of the Catholic Mass still seen in society today.  The Black Mass as gone through a transformation to maintain practice within societal law.”

“The consecrated host is corrupted by sexual fluids, then it becomes the sacrifice of the mass,” reads the website.  “The blasphemy remains intact along with corruption of Catholic Mass.  

Modern/Laveyan Satanists see this as ritual to mock the Catholic Mass in the form of a blasphemy rite used to deprogram people from their Christian background.”
“Religious Satanism sees the Black Mass as a religious ceremony to empower themselves and receive a ‘blessing’ from the Devil,” the group explains.

“The Black Mass being performed at the Okc Civic Center has been toned downed as to allow it  to be performed in a public government building,” says Angra Mainyu.  “The authenticity and purpose of the Black Mass will remain intact while allowing for slight changes so that a public viewing can occur without breaking Oklahoma's laws based on nudity, public urination, and other sex acts.”
Dakhma of Angra Mainyu describes itself as “a religious and educational church dedicated to Angra Mainyu (Ahriman). Angra Mainyu is seen as a destroyer.”

They also say they teach “freedom from any religion that chooses to bind you to some type of dogma the forces you to restrain your natural animal instincts.”

Kelly Hadsall, management specialist with the Oklahoma Civic Center, told that “since the center is a city-owned facility, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution does not allow us to turn away productions based on their content.”

“The city of Oklahoma City and the Civic Center are required by law to rent space to individuals and organizations so long as they comply with our policies and ordinances and have paid the established rental fees,” she explained.

Chinese city quarantined as resident dies of 
23 July 2014
 Parts of Chinese city quarantined as resident dies of BUBONIC PLAGUE
    Around 30,000 people from Yumen have been sent to quarantine zones.
    A 38-year-old victim infected by a wild marmot and died last week.
    151 people who came into contact with the victim are also being checked.
    City is now surrounded by police roadblocks and emergency services.
Chinese officials have sealed off large parts of a city after a resident who was bitten by a rodent died of bubonic plague.
The 38-year-old victim from the city of Yumen in Gansu province was infected BUBONIC PLAGUE and began suffering from a fever later that day.
Around 30,000 residents have now been told they cannot leave and police at roadblocks on the perimeter of the city.
It said 151 people who came into direct contact with the victim have also been placed in quarantine and are being analysed by epidemic prevention teams deployed around the city.


Satanists Return Stolen Host to Archbishop Coakley.
August 21, 2014

The organizer of a Sept. 21 black mass surrendered the consecrated Host, one day after the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City filed a lawsuit for its recovery.

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma City's archbishop voiced relief that Satanists organizing a "black mass" in the city returned a stolen host that was to be desecrated, but restated his concern that the event should happen at all.

The host was given to a priest Aug. 21 by an attorney representing Adam Daniels, who organized the black mass.
“I am relieved that we have been able to secure the return of the sacred Host and that we have prevented its desecration as part of a planned Satanic ritual,” Archbishop Paul Coakley said Aug. 21.

“I remain concerned about the dark powers that this Satanic worship invites into our community and the spiritual danger that this poses to all who are involved in it, directly or indirectly.”

The occult group Dakhma of Angra Mainyu has scheduled a black mass at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall Sept. 21. A black mass is a sacrilegious ceremony that invokes Satan and mocks the Mass, involving the desecration of the Eucharist, generally by stealing a consecrated Host from a Catholic church and using it in a profane, sexual ritual.

Daniels had said that, as far as he knew, the host was consecrated and that it had been “mailed to us by [a] friend.”

His decision to return the host quickly followed upon the Aug. 20 filing of a lawsuit on behalf of the archdiocese, charging that the host had been stolen from the Church.

The archbishop has repeatedly asked that civic leaders cancel the event.
In July, an official with the music hall defended the decision to permit the black mass there, citing the hall’s neutrality policy.
She told EWTN News that as long as no laws were broken during the event itself, the city hall was not concerned with whether laws may be broken in obtaining a consecrated Host ahead of time. She said that similar events scheduled in previous years had poor or no attendance.
“I have raised my concerns,” Archbishop Coakley said, “and pointed out how deeply offensive this proposed sacrilegious act is to Christians, and especially to the more than 250,000 Catholics who live in Oklahoma.”
The archbishop has asked that every parish add the well-known prayer to St. Michael the Archangel at the end of every Mass from Aug. 6, the feast of the Transfiguration, through Sept. 29, the feast of the Archangels. He has also asked each parish to hold a Holy Hour with Benediction from Aug. 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, through Sept. 21.
The archbishop will hold a Holy Hour, a Eucharistic procession and Benediction at Oklahoma City’s St. Francis of Assisi Parish at 3pm Sept. 21, the same day the Satanic event is scheduled to take place.
Tulsa’s Bishop Edward Slattery and Bishop Carl Kemme of Wichita have also called on the faithful to respond to the threatened desecration with their prayers.
A similar black mass scheduled by Harvard Extension School’s Cultural Studies Club in May was “postponed indefinitely” amid protest among students and the local community.

Asked about the lawsuit and the stolen host, the civic center’s public information manager, Jennifer Lindsey-McClintock, said the facility is “glad to see that the archbishop and Mr. Adams have come to an agreement on the matter of the host.”

However, she contended, “Any decision to cancel the event itself would have to come from Mr. Adams directly. As we have previously stated, as a government-operated facility, we cannot deny rental space to any group based upon the content of their message. This includes the cancellation of any event already booked in our facility.”

Lindsey-McClintock did not respond to CNA’s questions regarding the stealing of a consecrated Host being necessary for a black mass to occur.

Dengu fever outbreak hits Japan.

Sep 6 2014 Tokyo Japan. 22 sickened.

The Enterovirus D-68 Sickens At Least 1,000 Children Across U.S. 

Sep 8 2014 USA.

A mysterious respiratory virus, thought to be a rare and much more serious variant of the common cold, is affecting hundreds of children in at least 10 states across the country, causing symptoms of such severity that an average of 15 percent of those treated for the illness have ended up in intensive care.

Satanists Sell Out Controversial Oklahoma 'Black Mass' Event, Will Stage Exorcism Despite Christian Protests.

September 11, 2014

(Photo: Facebook/The Satanic Temple)

Satanic rights activists outside Harvard Square, after the "black mass" was cancelled by Harvard.

he Satanist group that will stage a controversial "black mass" at an Oklahoma City civic center has said that all 88 tickets for its Sept. 21 event are sold out. The co-founder of the group revealed that the ritual will go ahead despite strong Christian protests and will feature a satanic exorcism, but will be "toned down" to comply with state health laws.

"One of the dictates of the church is not only to educate the members but to educate the public, and to debunk the Hollywood-projected image of our beliefs," Dakhma of Angra Mainyu's Adam Daniels told ABC News.

He added that the group will comply with state health laws and substitute vinegar for actions involving urine as part of the satanic ceremony.

Daniels said that the ceremony will also feature Dakhma of Angra Mainyu deacons and priest who will stomp, spit on and use explicit language on an unconsecrated host, a wafer presented as a form of the resurrected Jesus Christ.

A satanic exorcism intended to draw the Holy Spirit from a follower's body will wrap up the event, an inversion of Roman Catholic exorcism believed to expel the devil from a person.
"Our practices have gotten it to about 22 to 25 minutes," the co-founder said of the length of the ritual.

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, Catholic Archbishop Paul Coakley, and over 80,000 people who have signed an online petition have all condemned the upcoming event.

Fallin called the black mass a "disgusting mockery of the Catholic faith," saying that it should be "equally repellent to Catholics and non-Catholics alike."

"It may be protected by the First Amendment, but that doesn't mean we can't condemn it in the strongest terms possible for the moral outrage which it is. It is shocking and disgusting that a group of New York City 'satanists' would travel all the way to Oklahoma to peddle their filth here. I pray they realize how hurtful their actions are and cancel this event," she said.

Satanists Plan To Hold 'Black Mass' At Oklahoma Civic Center
September 12, 2014

Satanists planning to hold a black mass at a public facility later this month in Oklahoma say they've sold all 88 tickets that were available for the event.

The Dakhma of Angra Mainyu, which is holding the Sept. 21 mass at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall, is promising an event that is "enlightening but educational," according to a description on the Civic Center's website.

"One of the dictates of the church is not only to educate the members but to educate the public and to debunk the Hollywood-projected image of our beliefs," Adam Daniels told ABC News. Daniels is a registered sex offender, convicted in 2009 of "sexual battery of persons over the age of 16," according to the state's sex offender registry, which notes that he has satanic tattoos "all over body."
In order to comply with local laws, the group had to make a few changes to the ritual. Instead of using urine, participants plan to use vinegar. Instead having a naked woman on an altar, she'll be wearing lingerie. And instead of spitting on a consecrated host, they will spit on an unconsecrated one, according to ABC.
The group was reportedly in possession of a stolen consecrated host, causing the local archdiocese to sue. It was returned to the archdiocese by an attorney representing Daniels.

“I am relieved that we have been able to secure the return of the sacred Host and that we have prevented its desecration as part of a planned Satanic ritual,” Archbishop Paul Coakley told the National Catholic Register. “I remain concerned about the dark powers that this Satanic worship invites into our community and the spiritual danger that this poses to all who are involved in it, directly or indirectly.”

Coakley also called the event "very transparently a blasphemous mockery of the Mass."
But not every religious group is riled.

"As a church, we want to respond as people of love, who are consistent with the teachings of Jesus and the ways he responded to those who rejected him and even hated him," Tom Mannin, the pastor of Oklahoma City Community Church, wrote on the organization's website in remarks spotted by the Christian Post.

His church also uses the civic center for its services.
"(W)e will speak gracefully and peacefully of the people at the black mass gathering. We will pray for God's love to abound in our city and among it's people of varying belief."

Dominican Rebublic. 500,000 sickened.
Sep 23 2014
The mosquito-borne virus known as chikungunya has sickened nearly 500,000 people in the Dominican Republic, including 109 newborn babies, an official with the Caribbean country's health ministry said Friday.
The virus was transmitted to the newborns by their mothers, who had the illness when they gave birth, said Carmen Adames, who is coordinating the Health Ministry's response to the outbreak. None of the infants died, she said.

Dengu fever outbreak hits South China.
Sep 25, 2014
The number of dengue fever cases in south China's Guangdong Province had reached more than 7,000 as of Wednesday, The infections have also resulted in three deaths.

CDC hints Ebola is Airborne 'We are all connected by the Air we Breathe'
Sep 30, 2014

The Tennessee state health department confirmed the first human case of West Nile Virus 2 deaths of the summer.
Oct 2, 2014 USA

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