Madame Blavatsk.

Helena von Hahn, Better known as Helena Blavatsky (Russian:Ukrainian) or Madame Blavatsky, was the founder of Theosophy and the Theosophical Society.

Born: 12-Aug-1831
Birthplace: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Died: 8-May-1891
Location of death: London, England
Cause of death: Influenza
Remains: Cremated, Theosophical Society Adyar, Chennai, India

Gender: Female
Religion: Cult
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Author, Religion

Nationality: Russia
Executive summary: Founded Theosophy; The Secret Doctrine

H. P. Blavatsky, also known as Madame Blavatsky or HPB, the Mother of the NEW AGE and is best known as the co-founder of Theosophy and as the author of such esoteric classics as Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), Key to Theosophy (1889), as well as her highly praised work on Buddhism, The Voice of Silence (1889). In pulling together and systemizing a wealth of information on spiritualism and the occult, Blavatsky claimed to be guided by "The Brothers", advanced spiritual teachers from a higher plane of being. Critics argued that she merely ripped off already existing works, ancient and modern, without giving any credit to the original authors. Blavatsky also claimed, at times, to also have highly developed psychic powers, the her teachings profoundly affected the thinking of such notables as Mahatma Gandhi, James Joyce, and William Butler Yeats. Furthermore the activities of her Theosophical Society did bring the Eastern religions to Europe and other parts of the Western world. Blavatsky and other theosophists are also given special praise in India and Sri Lanka for their efforts to re-popularize both Hinduism and Buddhism within those nations.

She returned to Russia for a period around 1858, impressing some with her table turning, as well as other, reportedly more authentic, feats of psychic prowess. She became embroiled in various love triangles and affairs, and somewhere along the way she may have birthed a son, but her conflicting stories make it unclear whether the boy was her own by an affair, or merely adopted from another couple. In any event the boy, named Yuri, born around 1861, was deformed, possibly with a hunchback, and died at around age five. Helena claimed to have loved him more than anyone in the world and to have been sufficiently devastated by his death as to lose all belief in God.

She arrived in New York in July of 1873. She moved into a crowded tenement house. She later moved in with some journalist friends, who found that photos that they left out at night were found the next morning with spirits in the photos. In October of 1874 she read an article by New York journalist and lawyer Henry Steele Olcott concerning his investigations into the paranormal, specifically some séances and other mediumist phenomena at the Eddy Brothers' farm in Chittenden, Vermont. Helena made a pilgrimage to the farm where she finessed her way into an audience with Olcott by claiming association with the brothers. Though Olcott saw through her story, he agreed to observe Helena in action and eventually became quite impressed by her apparent abilities.

Eventually the two teamed up and decided to found a society for the further study of spiritualism -- mediumship, arcane spiritual knowledge, and the like. Their first attempt, The Miracle Club, foundered did not go to will. Their next attempt was more successful, drawing a broader range of spiritual mysteries, including occultism from ancient Egypt. A consultation with the dictionary, in the late fall of 1875, helped the group settle on a name: the Theosophical Society. Olcott, Blavatsky, and some of the other Theosophists had meanwhile moved in together in a large flat, calling it a Lamasery or Lamastery. Helena turned her attention from journalism toward a longer, more substantial project, and in 1877 published her first book of ruminations on the occult, Isis Unveiled. According to Blavatsky, the work was channeled from the (otherworld) spiritual masters who were her guides. She would later claim that these same guides had orchestrated all of the significant actions that led to and developed her work with the Theosophical Society.

In 1878. Blavatsky was granted U.S. citizenship, at which point she, along with Olcott and two other Theosophists, set out for India to immerse themselves in Buddhism. So successful was their foray that in 1882 the Theosophical Society relocated its headquarters to Adyar, near Madras, India. In addition to deepening their knowledge of Buddhism, and fostering its re-emerging popularity among local peoples, the Theosophists became involved in various schools and assorted promotions of Theosophy, by "the brothers" (Blavatsky's spiritual guides), letters which materialized apparently out of thin air.

Blavatsky retreated to Germany to work on her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine. More extensive than her earlier work, it was finally published in 1888. She then moved to London where she founded the magazine Lucifer (Light Bringer), which would have a marked influence in some artistic and intellectual circles. In 1889 she issued The Key to Theosophy and The Voice of Silence. Yet her health was in decline; she struggled with Bright's Disease, heart disease, and rheumatism. On 8 May 1891, she succumbed to influenza.

Despite her passing, the Theosophical Society persevered. After Olcott's death in 1907, it turned its focus from Buddhism to Hinduism, under the leadership of Annie Besant

and C. W. Leadbetter. 100 years later, the Society is still going strong, although it now distances itself from psychic phenomena. Blavatsky's writings have continued to be immensely popular, and whether their contents represent channeled wisdom and original thought, or a cleverly systemized amalgam of other people's contributions, they have had a profound influence on religion, literature, and even politics.

As already mentioned, Blavatsky's work, and that of the Theosophical Society in general, was responsible for introducing the West to the spiritual OCCULT teachings of the East, especially Hinduism and Buddhism. It further introduced the idea of the Brotherhood of Man, and the notion of a great Wisdom Tradition existing beyond any particular religion. Whether Theosophy represented some higher wisdom or not, the fact remains that many of the ideas popularized in Blavatsky’s work, and those of fellow Theosophists, have become standard fare within the modern "New Age" spiritual movement, and many concepts, such as reincarnation, ascended masters, higher planes, communication with spirits, and the lost continent of Atlantis have filtered into mainstream and pop culture.

In the literary world meanwhile, both William Butler Yeats and James Joyce both acknowledged the profound influence which Blavatsky's spiritual teachings had upon them. Joyce even stated "it is impossible to grasp the meaning of Ulysses, its symbolism and the significance of its leitmotifs, without an understanding of the esoteric theories which underlie the work". Many other artists and writers trace an influence from Theosophy and specifically Blavatsky. Untold numbers have read the works of such artists, listened to their music or viewed their painting or sculpture, without any realization of the underlying philosophical lineage, and many of these have gone on to create their own works, ignorantly perpetuating Theosophist themes and values.

Similarly, many of admired the work of Mahtma Gandhi without realizing that he had been introduced to Blavatsky in 1890, while he was studying law at University College London. Gandhi himself states that it was the works of Madame Blavatsky, especially Key to Theosophy, that convinced him there was something of value within the spiritual Occult teachings of his homeland -- teachings which later gave shape, form, and moral authority to his challenge to British rule in India. This, coupled with the boost given by Theosophists to their indigenous religious beliefs, has endeared Blavatsky to many in India, who praise her for exhibiting such broadmindedness of spiritual Occult. All in all, if Helene Blavatsky truly could have glimpsed the future. Ironically, so much of her influence, so much of her hand in setting things in motion, has been entirely forgotten, and very few today still recognize the name of Madame Blavatsky.

Father: Peter von Hahn
Mother: Helena Andreyevna de Fadeyev
Husband: Nikifor Vassilievitch Blavatsky (m. 7-Jul-1849, never consummated)
Husband: Michael C. Betanelly (m. 3-Apr-1875, div. 25-May-1878, never consummated)

"Quotes by Blavatsky"

One of the most hidden secrets involves the so-called fall of Angels. Satan and his rebellious host will thus prove to have become the direct Saviours and Creators of divine man. Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious spirit of the church, grows into the grandiose image. It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God. Satan (or Lucifer) represents the Centrifugal Energy of the Universe, this ever-living symbol of self-sacrifice for the intellectual independence of humanity. "----Sister H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533.

Adolph Hitler read Madame Blavatsky's book, The Secret Doctrine, nightly. That was the source of his power and his ability to control others. After the war, Winston Churchill suppressed efforts to expose Adolph Hitler's occultism. Why? [129. Debra Rae, The ABCs o f Globalism, Huntington House, 1999, p. 82. See Also: McLaughlin, op cit., pp. 261-62.] Winston Churchill reportedly insisted that the black magic of the Nazi party not be revealed to the general public after the war, and the Allied prosecution and judges at Nuremberg consciously ignored the occult aspects of the Nazis' tremendous power and cruelty. [130] Margaret Sanger was a Theosophist, and her eugenic policies and birth control programs were products of her occult beliefs.[131 George Grant, Killer Angel, Ars Vitae Press, New York, p. 90.] Brotherhood of Darkness by Stanley Monteith

"There is no religion higher than truth."

~ Madame Blavatsky, Founder of the Theosophical Society,

The Secret Doctrine, Vol. II, p. 798

Theosophy and the Theosophical Society.

Madame Blavatsky founded the Teosophical Society in 1875 along with other Satanists.

Blavatsky was taught that the powerful symbol of these esoteric ones was the SWASTIKA

the race which should rise again to the spirit she named Aryans.

The Swastika was the symbol of the Aryan race.

Its easy to see what book Hitler was reading and what Hitler was into.

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