PROPHECY ISIS Terror has come

In 2014 accelerating events in the middle east will soon explode into global conflict
Events all ‘FORE-TOLD’ 2,500 YRS ago!!!

So in 2014 as the middle – east spirals into chaos.
How accurate & relevant is Bible prophecy???
( Written over 2, 500 Years ago !!! )

In both the Bible and the Islamic Quran ‘ISHMAEL’
Is recognised as being the ‘Original’ ancestor & fore-father of the Arab Nations today.

The angel of the LORD said unto Hagar, Behold, thou art with child & shalt bear a son & shalt call his name ‘Ishmael
GENESIS 16 v 11

…he will be a wild man; his hand will against every man & every man’s hand against him; & he shalt dwell in ‘the presence’ of all his brethren (ie. Middle East)
GENESIS 16 v 12

I will him ( Ishmael / Arabs ) fruitful, & will multiply him ‘exceedingly’
GENESIS 17 v 20 

Could the ancient writers have written a ‘More Accurate’ description of the ‘ARAB’ nations today & the chaos in the Middle east?!.

And more ominous events are coming.
Bible Prophecy clearly reveals Iran will soon unleash a full-scale invasion of Iraq.
Behold, I will stir up the Medes (Iran) against them (Iraq).
Their (Iran) ‘bows’ also shall dash the young men to pieces & they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb their eye shall not spare children and Babylon (Iraq) …shall be as when God overthrew Sodom & Gomorrah.
ISAIAH 13 v17 - 19  
The ‘Devastating’ invasion of Iraq will come

… and not just by Iran. 

Behold, a people shall come from the north, a great nation (Russia) and many kings (Iran, EU, Turkey) shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth
They shall hold ‘the bow’ (Iran) and ‘the Iance’ (Russia) they are cruel and will not show mercy; THEY shall ride upon horses everyone put in array, like a man to the battle against thee,
O 'daughter’ of Babylon.
JEREMIAH 50 v 41 - 42


The protagonists (Russia and Iran) are already moving in.

Behold, the days come that I will do Judgment upon the graven images… of Babylon (Iraq) and her whole Iand shall be ‘confounded’ and ‘all her slain’  shall fall in the midst of her
JEREMIAH 51 v 47

So how do we know these events are coming?

Just two verses later…

(provides ‘unmistakable’ context)

But I (God) will make them suddenly run away from her; and who is ‘a chosen man’ that I may appoint over her ?

for who is ‘like me’ ? and who will appoint me the time ?

and who is ‘that shepherd’ that will stand before me ?

JEREMIAH 50 v 44



The  ‘time of great tribulation’ is near!!!

As the world situation deteriorates rapidly ‘NOW’ may be our ‘Final Opportunity’ to turn to God.

Please see our other pagers on PROPHECY for more proof of Bible Prophecy.

* Islam and Christianity in Bible Prophecy - What about ISIS?

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