Age of Anti-christ/Dajjal.

This page will aim to explore the Importance regarding the greatest trial mankind will face the age of Anti-christ /Dajjal. The age which has begun already.
Dajjal: is a common Arabic word, used in the sense of “false Messiah”,
But al-Masih ad – Dajjal, with the definite article, refers to “the impostor”, a specific end of times deceiver.
The Impostor. 
Impostor: is one who engages in deception under an assumed name or identity.
So we can understand… Dajjal means an imposter and an imposter means one who engages in deception under an assumed name or identity. What will this identity be? And who will provide this identity? 
This identity will be a claim to be God himself. To achieve this he will first claim to be a leader then Jesus.
The Dajjal will have a large following consisting of all races and religions but mainly Jews.
How can a man of evil achieve such a following? He will perform miracles while his army works in the shadows on a plan which aim’s to end all religions and faith in God. In the society of today in which people class themselves atheist, a person who does not believe in God he may feel he cannot see God which means he does not exist,
If people with such thinking saw someone perform miracles before their eyes they will be deceived with its trickery struck in awe wondering at its Greatness, such an act can open a door inside them making one accept and be overwhelmed with what they see.
People such as David Blaine, Chriss Angel, David Copperfield and Houdini, Excite the public with acts of magic, in the process gaining respect and staus and recognition along with an acceptance in peoples minds…
These Magicians are actually low class  Magicians, placed in position by the Dajjal’s  Army for you to accept such activities warming up to Magic making you Sub concession Mind Familiar with this behavior of trickery. They are test dummies, mentally preparing you for the real Wizard Dajjal to arrive and deceive you.  Dajjal will entertain you with acts of Magic in the form of miracles in the process acquiring an acceptance from the public.
Take a moment to think can Dajjal influence one if the world was in peace?
You see the world can be different it can be a beautiful place, with no Poverty, Crime, Murder, Diseases, a place in which people hold Respect and Love for each other.
Dajjal’s Army do not want this to happen, over the years they have purposely spread corruption on the Earth creating Poverty, Death, Diseases, and Chaos.
If the world was in peace, Dajjal’s Miracles would not appeal to people, if poverty did not exist, Dajjal will not be able to fool the poor with Magic, Impressing them with wealth causing them to be in his debt and become his followers/worshippers, if man-made diseases did not exist, then he would not be able to cure the ill tricking them into believing his a savior for mankind.
The problems on our Planet are man-made, Dajjal’s Army have created these problems for the Dajjal to arrive and act as a savior, deceiving the world in believing his miracles are the solution to the problems, causing people to accept him as a leader.

Created for a false messiah to arrive and become a savior. So he can claim the identity of the true messiah JESUS. 
In the Islamic Quran the Prophet Muhammad said:
“Like cloud driven by the wind. He will come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion);
They will affirm their faith in him and respond to him.”
So here we have it we examined, with the help of his Army, Dajjal will assume the identity of leader then claim to be Jesus.
We will now   explore the nature of Dajjal.
From Christian text; we can learn the agenda of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal
From Islamic text based on Hadiths we can learn the forewarning concerning Dajjal/ Anti-Christ.
Whereas the Jews await his coming and regard him as a Messiah, Christianity, Islam and Judaism agree on the ‘appearance of a Presence’.  First we will examine text from the Holy Bible.
Holy Bible:

“The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two mouths (the same forty-two months in which The Two Witnesses will be active). He opened his mouth to blaspheme God. And to slander His Name and His dwelling place and those who live in heaven. He was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation (he will conquer countries all around the world). All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast (many will be deceived into worshiping the man) all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. He who has an ear, let him hear.”
From the text one can understand the character of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal will be a mischievous one ‘He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander His Name and His dwelling place and those who live in heaven’.
Now we examine text from an Islamic Quran.
Islamic Quran:
Allah’s Apostle said.
“While I was sleeping. I saw myself (in a dream) performing Tawaf around the Ka’ba. Behold, I saw a reddish-white man with lank hair. And water was dropping from his head. I asked, “Who is this?’ They replied, ’The son  of Mary.’ Then I turned my face to see another man with a huge body, red complexion and curly hair and blind in one eye. His eye looked like a protruding out grape. They said (to me). He is Ad-Dajjal.” The Prophet added. “The man he resembled most is Ibn Qatan, a man from the tribe of Khuza’a.”
(Sahih Ai-Bukhari Hadith 9.242 Narrated by Abdullah Bin Umar)
From the Quran we can understand Dajjal/ Anti-Christ will be a man with a huge body, red complexion with curly hair and blind in one eye, His eye will look like a protruding out grape.
He will be blind from one eye and able to see from his second eye, this is the reason why Dajjal/ Anti-Christ Army use the one-eyed symbol to represent him.

The one eyed symbol known as the all seeing eye displayed all around the world, is a tactic used by his Army in an attempt to allow peoples sub-conscious mind to become familiar with the Eye authority.
Christianity and Islam both warn mankind concerning  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal evil agenda and his coming.
Whereas Judaism regard the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal as a Messiah and await his arrival.
The Jews have been waiting for a Messiah to arrive and become their Savior eventually becoming a world leader, the Christians will recognize him as the Anti-Christ a person calming to be Jesus, and Muslims will know him as Dajjal an Imposter not the real Jesus.
While we sleep, eat and work, Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s Army has been constructing a plan for his arrival.
The plan which they construct, is a plan passed and worked upon for thousands of years, and at this point of time they are more successful and closer to completion of the sinister plan, then any other civilization before them.
For them it’s a war Satan/ or in Arabic Shaytan the (Devil, Lucifer) is their general.    Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is the leader,  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal Army is the infantry. 
Do you feel like doing something about this matter?
Do you feel like taking action, but don’t know how?
That’s because, we the society have been disarmed, we have no way to defend and shield our lives from Anti-Christ/ Dajjal system, because they kept us asleep.
We are sleepers.

We search for an improved live, yet the search means falling into a deeper sleep. How long will you let  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal Army feed you with sleeping pills? The wars you see on the TV are Masterminded wars. The real war, is the war which they have started on your mind, they want to captivate your mind, while enslaving your body and kill your soul. Do you think they have failed? They are disarming you mentally, then disarming you physically.
Ask yourself how long have you spent in school, college and university? And then soon after you begin you’re working life trying to find 9-5 job let’s break 24 hours into 4 quarters 2quarters of your day is spent working,  1quarter to yourself and the remaining quarter goes by as you sleep, this is not freedom this is slavery. They have placed you into a system in which you are deeply consumed into a daily routine. Your life goes by without you seeing the truth which they have hidden.
You see, your mind and body are placed in a sleep mode, a plan designed by Anti-Christ/ Dajjal Army, their biggest fear is for you to wake up. All this because they are desperate for a Messiah.

It is undeniable that a presence will emerge. A person who is not a believer will be deceived by
Anti-Christ/ Dajjal; because Anti-Christ/ Dajjal, will perform miracles making the perform believe he his been profited in return asking for the person to become his supporter.
On the other hand one who is a believer understands God is only to be worshipped and worshipping anything else is not an acceptance, Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s miracles will only benefit someone in this life which is temporary, we will all die at some point, and the hereafter which is Eternal  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal will not be able to profit anyone.
Now ask yourself why the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal  desires to be worshipped.
So let’s recap: We understood how Christianity and Islam warn mankind concerning the
Anti-Christ/ Dajjal agenda and coming, whereas Judaism regard the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal as a Messiah and await his arrival.
We will now examine this matter.
From history we can understand the nature of people with power from Pharaohs, Kings, Leaders, Prime ministers and Presidents. The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal will have Great power in the form of miracles which can overweigh man; he can force Mankind to worship him without mankind’s approval.
This has been the case of rulers of the past such as Pharaoh (Firaun), Nimrod. He will offer mankind worldly needs for an exchange for man to worship him, this indicates he does not require needs from man. He will give wealth, Cure Diseases, End Famine.
Religious  texts indicate Anti-Christ/ Dajjal will make claims to be Jesus. His claims reveals his intentions. His intentions is for man to worship him with his freewill.
Everything in life is created by the creator God to worship him. This is the purpose of life, for a believer. Worshipping the Creator is the success, to measure failure one would have to astray from worshipping our creator. Lord can test mankind, in which he feels,  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is nothing more then a test for mankind, his purpose is to seduce mankind to worship him. He is a test on mankind, because of the greater power (miracles) he will have over mankind, he will himself assume he is god.
His role may be different from mankind but like the rest of us, Anti-Christ/ Dajjal   is still under the creators authority.  If one was to obey the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal   and accept his offerings becoming his follower, he is allowing the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal   to serve his purpose. And if one was to reject his offerings of miracles and keep his faith in one true God he is also allowing Anti-Christ/ Dajjal  to serve his purpose. Because the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal  is a test for mankind. The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal  intends for mankind to fail the test. The following is a Islamic text indicating Satan will be assisting  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal.
Prophet Muhammad said: As they are busy in distributing the spoils of war (amongst themselves) after hanging their swords by the olive trees, Satan will cry: The  Dajjal / Anti-Christ   has taken your place among your families. They will then come out, but it will be of no avail. When they reach Syria, he will come out while they are still preparing themselves from battle, drawing up the ranks.
(Hadith – Muslim #6924, Narrated AbuHurayrah)
And the following is text from the Bible regarding, Satan will be assisting the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal.
“For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains (the Holy Spirit)
Will do so until he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one (Anti-Christ/ Dajjal) will be revealed, whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming. The coming of the lawless one (Anti-Christ/ Dajjal) is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs (miracles), and lying wonders”
(2 Th 2:7-9)
We can come to the conclusion, The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is a test on mankind and the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal agenda is evil, he desires to be worshipped, and will use his power with the assistance of Satan to overwhelm mankind, asking mankind to submit their beliefs in him.
Next  we will explore the subject. 
Now let’s focus on where is the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal? We the people understand the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal will emerge. When exactly he will emerge is unknown to mankind, the most we can understand regarding  the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal emergence is through religious text.
In Islam through Hadiths we are warned by unfolding of events to be sign, regarding the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal emergence.
A few signs:
People will stop offering prayers.
Dishonesty will be the way of life.
Falsehood will become a virtue.
People will mortgage their faith for worldly gains.
Usury and bribery will become legitimate.
Imbeciles would rule over the wise.
Blood of innocents would be shed.
Pride will be taken on acts of oppression.
The rulers will be hypocrites.
Adultery will be rampant.
Women will dress like men, and men will dress like women.
The liars and treacherous will be respected.
There will be acute famine at the time.
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is mentally present in the world; he is not physically present in the society.
Based on text from Judaism, Christianity and Islam we know the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal will be human.
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is alive but hidden from the world, or we could say the world is hidden from him.
This is based on text from Christianity and Islam agreeing on this matter. First I present to you text from the Holy Bible indicating the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is restrained, 
“And now ye know what with holdeth that he (Anti-Christ/ Dajjal) might be revealed in his time; for the mystery of iniquity doth alredy work; only he who now letteth will let (restrain), until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”
(Thessalonians 2:7-8) Holy Bible
If we examine the following ‘He who now letteth will let (restrain), until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that  wicked be revealed’ this indicates the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is restrained.
Now we will examine text from Islam, the following piece of information, is the most interesting and important information regarding the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal.
The following information is highly overlooked. In the era of today the information you will read next, should be spread to every person who understands the forewarning concerning the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal and it is very important to acknowledge the following.
Prophet Muhammad said:
“ I have not gathered you here to give you an exhortation or a warning. I have kept you here because Tamim al-Dari, a Christian man who has come to me, and told me something which agrees with that which I have told you about the  Dajjal (Anti-Christ).
He told me that he had sailed in a ship with 30 men from Banu Lakhm and Banu Judham. The waves had tossed them about for a month,
Then they were brought near to an island, at the time os sunset. They landed on the island, and were met by a beast who was so hairy that they could not tell its front from back. They said,
“I am al-Jassasah.” It said, “O people go to this man in the monastery, for he is very eager to know about you.” Tamim said that when it named a person to us, we were afraid lest it be a devil.
“Tamim said, “We quickly went to the monastery. There we found a huge man with his hands tied up to his neck and with iron shackles between his legs up to the ankles. We said, “We are people from Arabia. We sailed in a ship, but the waves have been tossing us about for a month, and they brought us to your island, where we met a best who was so hairy that we could not tell its front from its back. We said to it, “ Woe to you! What are you? And it said, “I am al-Jassasah.” We asked, “What is al-Jassasah?” and it told us, “Go to this man in the monastery, for he is very eager to know about you. “So we came to you quickly, fearing that it might be a devil.”
“The man said, “tell me about the date-palms of Baysan.’ We said, ‘What do you want to know about them?” He said, ‘I want to know whether these trees bear fruit or not.‘ We saide, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘Soon they will not bear fruit,’ Then he said, “tell me about the lake of al-Tabariyyah (Tiberias, in Palestine).’ We saide, ‘What do you want to know about it?” He asked, ‘Is there water in it?’ we said, ‘There is plenty of water in it.’ He said, “Soon it will become dry.’ Then he said, Tell me about the spring of Zughar.’ We said, ‘What do you want to know about it?’ He said, ‘Is there water in it, and does it irrigate the land?’ We said, ‘Yes, there is plenty of water in it, and the people use it to irrigate the land.’
“Then he said, “Tell me about the unlettered Prophet’ what has he done?’ We said, ‘He has left Makkah and settled in Yathrib.’ He asked, Do the Arabs fight against him?’ We said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘How does he deal with them?’ So we told him that the Prophet had overcome the Arabs around him and that they had followed him. Now I will tell you about myself.
I am the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).
I will soon be permitted to leave this place: I will emerge and travel about the Earth. In 3days of nights I will pass through every town, except Holy grounds, for these have been forbidden to me. Every time I try to enter a Holy home, I will be met by an Angel bearing an unsheathed sword, who will prevent me from entering. There will be angels guarding them at every passage leading to them.’
“ The Prophet striking the pulpit with his staff, said:  ‘This is Tayyibah, this is  Tayyibah, this is Tayyibah, (ie Madinah). Have I not told you something like this?’ The people said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘I liked the account given to me by Tamim because it agrees with that which I have told you about the  Dajjal (Anti-Christ).
Indeed he is in the Syrian sea or Yemen sea. No, on the contrary, he is in the East, he is in the East, he is in the East’ and he pointed towards the East.
The information which you have just read is the most valuable  information regarding the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal location. Now the question which would be on one’s mind after reading the Hadith would be where is this Island? This matter will be explained,  one can understand from the information.
The   Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is currently located in a monastery on an Island East of Arabia, he is accompanied by a creature known as al-Jassasah (spy) and  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal  is locked up with his hands tied up to his neck and with iron shackles between  his legs up to the ankles.
The Island on which the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is located is none other then Britain (England, UK) strange it may seem, But Britain is actually an Island and not a Country, since it’s surrounded by water (Sea) isolating it from other land.

Prophet Muhammad stating:
“the Dajjal /Anti-Christ will travel fast as the clouds commanding the sky’s.”
 He accurate in his statement. 
The Prophet also said:
“No prophet was sent but that he worned his followers against the one-eyed liar (Ad-Dajjal). Beware! He is blind in one eye, and your Lord is not so, and there will be written between his (Ad-Dajjal’s) eyes (the word) Kafir OR kfir
 (i.e. disbeliever).”
 (Sahih Ai-Bukhari, 9.245)
This has to be viwed in religious symbolism.
Definition: Symbolism.
The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationship.
The word Kafir or Kfir written between Dajjal’s eyes could be a technological device he could be wearing which represents the word Kafir or Kfir in the form of a logo.
Is it just a coincidence Israeli’s Military decided to name their Aircrafts Kfir the word which Prophet Muhammad prophesied Dajjal representing?

And let’s not forget  the Jews are waiting for a Messiah to emerge and rule the world from Israeli.
And more to the Point Britain is the Island on which the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is located on, from among the shadows the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is setting up his throne, constructing a plan.
The word Dajjal means ‘IMPOSTER’
Do you know who he is attempting to impersonate?
This is the reson why Islam believe that Jesus is to return ending the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal. Only then will the age of Anti-Christ/ Dajjal and Satan cease.
It was mentioned, the location of the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is Britain, and for a long time from the shadows the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal has been constructing a plan, setting up his throne attempting to impersonate Jesus. And now we focus on the timeline of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal. The next are sources from Christianity and Islam regarding the timeline of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal.
Text from Christianity source – (The Holy Bible):
“The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months (the same forty-two months in which the two witnesses will be active). He opened his mouth to blaspheme God. And to slander His Name and His dwelling place and those who live in Heaven. He was given power to make war against the Saints and to conquer them. And he was.
(Revelation 13:4-9)  The Holy Bible
Text from Islamic source – (Sahih Muslim #7015)
The Prophet said:
“For forty days, one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week, and the rest of the days will be like your days.”
(Sahih Muslim #7015)
Christianity and Islam share a similar attitude regarding the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal presences, Islam informs “For forty days” and Christianity informs “Forty –Two months”
This does not literally mean 40 single days; it’s a form of symbolism. The  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal emergence is broken into 2 phases a mental and physical phase, regarding his mental phase… which the Muslim prophet  said: “one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week”
Not this has to be viewed in the form of Religious Symbolism and his physical phase will be when his body is released, which the Muslim Prophet said: “and the rest of the days will be like your days.”
 (Sahih Muslim #7015)
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal physical body may be restrained, but his mind is open to his will allowing him to still have access to his mental ability. Since his mind is free and not restrained like his body, from the shadows he is able to spread his influence from the land on which he is located on, his mental phase is a process of securing his arrival into the world. In his mental phase the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is trying to accomplish obectives which will assist him in been mistaken for a messiah.
A phase consisting of creating an Army of followers who will accept him as a messiah, an army who will influence others in accepting this level of thinking.
If you have trouble accepting the theory regarding the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is located in Britain, then pay attention to the following. By Anti-Christ/ Dajjal side is Ai-Jassasah, what is the purpose of Ai-Jassash?
The Tamim al-Dari Hadith presented in earlier regarding the man who met the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal, through the Hadith we can understand Ai-Jassasah is an spy and is located on an island which excels in spying, Statistic reveals Britain has the highest number of CCTV Cameras in the world, and CCTV cameras can catch each British resident as many as 300 times each day.
If you step outside your house in Britain and go to your local Groceries store, you are guaranteed to be spied upon with CCTV capturing your movements.
The role of “spies” in world war2 was a major element they were controlled by a department in Britain called S.O.E. (Special Operations Executive,) whose H.Q. was in Baker street London. Their job was to recruit agents in foreign countries….
Each country had its own British controlling desk. They also gathered intelligence on troop’s movements, defense and on construction which the invasion forces would have to overcome and in the process anything that might prove valuable.  British Spies also carried out sabotage they were trained at secret country houses in Britain. 
Britain excel’s in spying the most recognized spy in the world, is the movie James Bond 007 is associated with Britain is that a coincidence?

Since the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is locked and unable to roam freely. The Ai-Jassasah uses the ability of spying to spy on the world informing the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal of the current affairs of the world.
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal been aware with state of the world; can use this ability to manipulate the outside world. 
Furthermore the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army gained power and authority from the direction of Britain.
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army consist of many organization and secret societies, whatever you may want to call the Freemasons, Illuminati, Skull and Bones etc, fact is they all hold the same agenda, and they must be thought of as one army.
One of the most powerful and a foundational secret societies within the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army, originated from the Direction of Britain. The knight Templar’s mission began from Britain and its neighboring country France.  The knight Templar’s mission was to liberate the Holy Land from which the Messiah is said to rule the world, this was achieved but lost at the same time.
It was prophesied to the Children of Israel, a Messiah will emerge who will bring back the Golden age, the age which was taken away from them. It was prophesized the Messiah will do the following to return the Golden age back to the Children of Israel.
1) Liberate the Holy Land.
2) Bring the Jews back to the Holy Land.
3) Restore the state of Israeli.
4) Israeli’s development until it becomes the ruling state in the world so the Messiah can rule the world from Jerusalem. 
This is known as the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal system, a movement pioneered by the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal himself from among the shadows to restore the Golden age. From Britain the Imposter achieved his goal to restore the state of Israel. 
Balfour Declaratin of 1917 was a classified formal statement stating that “His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”
This declaration saw the Liberation of the Holy Land which witnessed the return of the Jews back to the Holy Land; furthermore this restored the State of Israeli.
So you see, the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal system a system before his arrival, emerges from the direction of Britain. The real Messiah is Jesus who the Jews rejected, and the Jews carried on waiting for a messiah to emerge. 
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal the Imposter is attempting to impersonate the Messiah Jesus and is secretly planning to complete the prophesies; which were Prophesied the real Messiah will accomplish returning the Golden age. The golden age will still be accomplished, not by the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal but delivered by Jesus Christ when he returns before the end of times, annihilating the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal.
The Jews neglected Jesus, if they had accepted him, then the Golden age would have been their right, but the rabbis who headed the Jew failed to identity of Jesus as a Messiah, they failed this test due to lack of faith.
The completion of the Golden Age remains with Jesus Christ, this is one of the many reasons why he will return, the Golden Age returns with Jesus but this time it will be for good.
To conclude, Ai-Jassasah is a spy and accompanies the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal on an island, THIS Island excels in spying, and from history one can understand Britain’s tactics and strategy is of espionage…
Moreover the movement to liberate the Holy Land originated from Britain this was attempted more then once, Britain succeeded in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration liberating the Holy Land which resulted in completing the Prophecies for the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal emergence.
Ask yourself how long will it be until the Imposter emerges?
And now we focus on Anti-Christ/ Dajjal System:
The media, the Entertainment Industry is the product of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal. From among the shadows the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is using the power of media to sway mankind’s feelings and ideology into his own.
Notic the one eye in the following images it is known as the All Seeing Eye, apart from representing the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal it’s also representing Ai-Jassasah who is a spy and watches the world from his location?
One would think, the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal would use something else something sinister sounding. Were did this perception come into our minds? Maybe at the young age it was planted in our minds from the villains we saw in cartoons and movies that used magic/nuclear warfare to control the world?
But in reality the greatest weapon used in world domination is the media. If you control what people hear and see then you have found a way to influence the world. Making a right appear wrong, and a wrong appear right like the Rabbis of the past did when changing the rules of the Torah…
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal system consists of a doctrine based on the behavior of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal himself. You see, an atheist or a disbeliever may raise the statement if God exist then why is their Evil on earth?
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal  army believe their transgression is an achievement outshining God. 

The truth which they fail to realize is that life is a test; freewill is given to us allowing us to be responsible for our own outcome, for which we will be accounted for in hereafter…
How we use our will depends on ourselves. The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal  system is challenging our willpower in every way.
Testing our belief in God.
Testing the way we live, the way we behave with each other and ourselves and challenging the mind. This is done with the use of media through music and movies controlling what you see and hear.
So I discussed and explained how media is a platform used in spreading the character of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal into people, and how Satanism is a form of behavior which expresses “Do What You want”.
And now we continue the power of Media.

‘Superman’ A Icon for many generations. A man from Krypton becomes a Superhero due to his Abilities which humans do not possesses. Superman A.K.A  the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal is one of the concepts used by his army in preparing peoples mind for the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal acceptance. Without the influence of superman comic and media on people’s lives, if someone arrived on earth possessing great abilities his character and nature would be questioned with a free thinking mind.
But while growing up if one has watched superman, then without questioning and thinking for themselves they would accept and be struck with amazement at the sight of a man with great abilities assuming him to be a hero. 
Cartoon and comic book creators such as Marvel and DC for Generations have been concentrating their work in making peoples mind accept the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal.
If you seen the X-men series then you will know the concept of X-men is accepting mutants, humans with great abilities are seen as a threat to mankind and later on in the series they become acceptable in the society.  This is the length of care Anti-Christ/ Dajjal army have taken in programming your minds with their ideology, leaving no stone unturned.

The power of Media does not stop there….
Marilyn Manson a rock musician often wears a decorated contact lens in one eye which makes one of his eyes appear crooked, this is an attempt to impersonate Anti-Christ/ Dajjal stylizing himself as the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal, and yet he still gains a huge following. Marilyn Manson is actually a test dummy, paving the minds for the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal acceptance. If the real Anti-Christ/ Dajjal appeared would you be able to identify him?
The army of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal are deeply involved in schemes, using the media to control what you hear and see influencing your minds to their way of thinking. Music is a powerful platform in brainwashing the masses. When listening to music you are actually been Re-Programmed. The music itself places you into an open state; Lyrics are then used to Re-Program your minds. 
Have you ever looked at your old photos and thought to yourselves ‘what was I thinking with the hairstyle and the funky clothes? Have you ever wonder why you behaved in such a way?
That’s because they use subliminal messages in music which your sub-conscious mind detects and overtime places thoughts in your mind affecting your character making you behave in an unfamiliar way.

These are just examples of how the media is used in influencing people’s minds.

The media was further exposed, explaining brain washing elements and reference to the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal  has been found in movies, music and comics.
The Future.
What is the future? Are you comfortable? Can  you casually walk to the shop buy some groceries and make your way bock home?
This will change!
The future my friends will be a war zone. In which survival means been a slave or living in oppression.
Wars of the past have been based on ethnics, territories, power and greed. But the coming war of the future will be different and this is our future….

The future is dark…
A war for your freedom is in the horizon. A war based on mankind Vs New World Order (NWO) In other words, citizens of the world Vs The Elite (Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s Army). In a soon America’s economy will crumble causing America to lose its power and influence on the world. 
This will affect  the American citizens the most since their savings will disappear overnight causing anger which will lead to retaliation against the American Government.
The American people will be divided into 2 groups.
Group 1:
The slaves
People who accept Americas New World Order and allow themselves to be micro-chipped and monitored.
Group 2:
The Rebels
Citizens who will attempt to stand up against America’s crisis and object Americas New World Order.
The American Government will bring a Marshal Law into effect using the Police and Army against the Group 2 (The Rebels).
The Rebels will be sent to detention camps to be annihilated and placed in death boxes; the camps are already prepared and the death boxes have been made and piled up waiting for the future events to unfold. These camps exists in America and are called FEMA Camps. 
All this has been masterminded by the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s Army to fulfill a prophecy in which they believe. This masterminded plan has 3 Goals and the first goal is for the downfull of America and using Marshal Law to control the citizens sending the citizens who retaliate to FEMA camp for execution leaving behind only the slave citizens who will follow America in fear. The second goal will be to form collaboration with Canada and Mexico. The third goal will be to shift the power of America onto UN to be the ruling Government of the world. 
The first stage of this sinister plan is already in motion the fall of America’s economy which will be result of the current recession causing the saving of the American citizens to disappear over night.
The events of Americas falling economy, America citizens been executed in FEMA Camps and the rest been micro chipped (Mark of the Beast 666) and monitored and the UN becoming the ruling Government of the world is a sinister plan carefully devised by the Devil. In which he is using the efforts of the  Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army to put this plan in motion allowing the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army to believe the their messiah, the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal will appear and rule the world as a New World Order. 
the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army believe it was foretold a messiah will rule the world from their Holy Land Israel, this means if this is to come true then Israel has to become the ruling state of the world.
The current ruling state of the world is America, the power from America has to be transferred to the UN first and then to Israel, to allow the prophecy in which the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army believe to be fulfilled. 
Do you get the picture?
For the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal to arrive the stage must be set. We know that UN, Israel, America and Britain along with the whole world is been ruled by the same force, if this force wants they can switch power from America to UN to Israel overnight. But this will be confusing for the people of the world especially the citizens of America and may create a concern in the public anyone who objects and stands in the way of the New World Order will be executed in FEMA Camps.
Leaving behind only the weak minded people who will give into Americas NOW and these people will become Micro chipped slaves.
Furthermore because of the falling economy of America it will form itself with Canada and Mexico becoming one territory resulting in the Micro chipped slaved population been under one roof allowing them to be easier to control. While the economy of America crumbles, Israel will be the only country left
whose economy will be strong. Israel will step in and save Americas falling economy resulting in Israel becoming superior and the new ruling state of the world.    
Ask yourself how will Israel become the ruling state of the world taking over from the America? And how will the population of the world react to this change of authority from America to Israel.
The population of America itself is enormous compared to the population of Israel. When the change occurs it will affect the saving of the American people sending families and business into chaos.
If Israel took the rule from America openly it would raise suspicion to why the ruling state of the world handed over its power to a minor state like Israel. 
The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army certainly has a secret agenda. When the time comes for Israel to take over from America the population of the world will pay the price. 
Americas economy will fall sending families and business into chaos people will ask questions and want answers protest will occur, America will use Martial Law to control the public. But this control will be like no other in the history of America, FEMA camps will be the destination for the American citizens who stand up against America seeking answers.
The American citizen will be executed in these camps and the dead bodies will be placed in death boxes which are already produced and stocked up in American warehouses.    And those who do not oppose America and suffer the harsh times quietly with limited food and resources they will be planted with a micro-chip and be monitored at all times. 
America will then bring to light its North American Union which is an emergence of America with Canada and Mexico to place the micro-chipped survivor under one roof for easier civilian control part of a plan for One World Government.
 At that point Israel will act as a rescuer to America, aiding Americas falling economy to become stable which will result in America depending on Israel for support which will allow Israel to successfully become the ruling state of the world and this will unfold soon. America’s use of Martial Law will be similar to the incidence of state of emergence which occurred in Pakistan. 
The events of November 03, 2007 when Pakistan declared to be in state of emergency (Martial Law), this act will be repeated again but this time by America. Who helped Pakistan when the Army took over and savagely beat and arrested the civilians who protested for their civil rights? The world watched these events as they flicked the channels on their T.V. sets while they sat down to enjoy a meal. 
Pakistan was made to appear as a out of control county an image of lunatics causing havoc, this was portrayed on the media making the people around the world who sat at home enjoying their meal think the worse of Pakistan.
These events were masterminded by The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army, Pakistan was and Iran is standing in the way of the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s New World Order plan because these countries possess Nuclear weapons. The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’S army see this as a threat in establishing Israel as the ruling state of the world. unfortunately Pakistan is no longer a threat to the New World Order plan, the weakness and greed of politicians has made Pakistan become a puppet to the New World Order plan. 
Pakistan’s Government is now in the pocket of the UN, which allows UN to continue the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s plan of establishing Israel the ruling state of the world.  So now the Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army is infiltrating Iran the strategy they used on Pakistan will be similar to what they will use on America. 
The people of the world will sit at home enjoying their meals as they flick the channels on their T.V. or YouTube and watch the downfall of America as it is   displayed as a out of control images of protesters causing havoc.
Now these events are unfolding in America. Do you know will be blamed for it?
Barack Obama
Ask yourself in a white mans world how did a black man become a president especially since the world is ruled by Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army, you see my friends; at the beginning Obama will be made to appear as a savior of America and then before the end of his presidency like all presidents in the history he will go down in a negative way. At the final stage of Obama’s presidency he will make decisions which will be the downfall of Americas economy an event which will send America into a state of Chaos and Martial Law. The Anti-Christ/ Dajjal’s army could have chosen a whit president to do the job, but they choose a black president for a reason. The reason been is that like it uplifted the moods of the black community when Obama became a president it will down lift the mood of the black community when Obama is the cause of the downfall of America…
This will leave the black community felling hopeless and less likely to retaliate against Americas future Micro-chip plan this will also humble the black community allowing them not to repeat the event of African – American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968).  

It will continue soon

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