

H.R.Giger, actually less known for his full name, Hans Ruedi Giger, is a Swiss artist who created highly influential artwork in the style of Fantastic – Realism.
He was born on February 5, 1940, in Chur, Switzerland. H.R.Giger was influenced by the book Necronomicon.

There are many churches around the world that teach about the evils that can be learned from reading the “Necronomicon,” by Abdul Alhazred.

These churches state that the, “Necronomicon,” is a book that is inspired by Satan himself and the book itself will drag people straight to HELL.
Necronomicon was the first major published compendium of images by Swiss artist H.R.Giger. originally published in 1977, the book was given to director Ridley Scott during the pre-production of the film ALIEN, who then hired Giger to produce artwork and conceptual designs for the film.

The Occult Experience film was produced by Cinetel Productions Ltd in 1987, then later released on VHS in 1992 and approximate running time was 87 minutes. 

This rare, less than 10,000 copies made is an award-winning documentary that covers the subjects of Witchcraft and the Goddess movement, Satanism, Shamanism, Druidism and Egyptian ritual magick found across North America and Europe. 

In addition, this award-winning documentary also provides the viewer with an inside look into the Solitary practice as well as a look into Circles, Groves and Covens, each with its own spiritual customs through revealing interviews and filmed rituals by H.R.Giger, Z.Budapest, Alex Sanders, Janet & Stuart Farrar, Margot Adler, Selena Fox, Michael Aquino and Olivia Robertson to name just a few in a close up look into into the various spiritual practices of old and now.-Occult Experience (1987).

H.R.Giger directly or indirectly influenced much of the most popular Sci-Fi computer and video games such as Abuse, Doom, Dune, Duke Nukem 3D, Half Life, Halo, Starcraft, Quake and many others.

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