Lucis Trust.

Formerly called
“Lucifer Trust”

“Lucifer Trust”, incorporated in New York, created in 1920,
by Alice Baily.

Alice Baily

Whith her husband Foster, to manage the business of publishing Mrs. Baily’s twenty-five esoteric book. Its headquarters are in New York City (at 24th floor of the 120 Wall street), London (Lucis Press Ltd.) and Geneva (Lucis Trust Association).
Alice Baily born in Manchester, England June 16, 1880.
She moved to the United States in 1907, where she spent most of here life as a writer and teacher. She wrote on Spiritual, Occult, Astrological, Theosophical and other religious themes. Her writing were influenced by the works of Madame Blavatsk, a well known Satanist.

In addition to continuing to publish her book worldwide, Lucis Trust’s activities also include a correspondence school based on her teachings (known as the Arcane school),
A lending library of esoteric books known as Lucis Trust Libraries, a publishing house called Lucis Publishing Companies, Lucis Productions, World Goodwill and Triangles.

Today it has around 6,000 members, and an estimated annual revenue of $600,000.

The World Goodwill group, founded in 1932, is particularly important among Lucis Trust’s activities, as it has been recognized by the UNITED NATIONS as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), and is represented at regular briefing sessions at the UNITED NATIONS in New York and Geneva.
Lucis Trust is therefore a member of the UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Council.

In part because of this presence of Lucis Trust in the UNITED NATIONS System, along with explicit reference by former Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller in his writing to Bailey’s philosophy, some have accused the UNITED NATIONS of having a NEW AGE IDEOLOGY and AGENDA.

A secondary headquarter of Lucis Trust is in Reeuwijk, Netherlands (Lucis Trust Stichting).
Other esoteric associations tightly connected to Lucis Trust are the School of Ageless Wisdom in Arlington, the School for Esoteric Studies in Asheville, the seven Ray Institute in Union City, the Great Bear Astrological Center in Eugene or the Escuela Huber de Astrologia in Adliswil, Switzerland, the Associazione Culturale dei Triangoli e della Buona Volonta Mondiale in Rome Italy.
The main locations of meetings organized by Lucis Trust are nowadays the Grosvenor Hotel in London, the Williams Club and the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, both located in New York.


Lucis Trust is run through an international board of trustees whose membership is said to have included: John D. Rockefeller; Norman Cousins; Robert S. McNamara; Thomas Watson, Jr. (IBM, former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow); Henry Clausen, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite and Henry Kissinger. This would then tie Bailey's influential occult organization into the international conspiracy of elitists, including the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergs, and the Trilateral Commission.

I've been able to confirm some of these connections through Lucis Trust's involvement in the Windsor International Bank and Trust Company, where on its site, the Windsor Bank plainly states that its “a Member of, Advisor to, Affiliate of, Friend of, Benefactor of, or Contributor to, the following Organizations, to name several:”

* International Fund For Development
* The Hall Family Foundation
* The Rockefeller Foundation
* WHO/Habitat For Humanity
* The Lucis Trust (NGO); United Nations
* National Resources Defense Council
* Capital Missions Company
* Investors Circle
* The Coca-Cola Foundation
* Fellowship For International Education
* International Monetary Agency
* International Center For Educational Advancement
* Christian Children's Fund (Worldwide)
* BAMPAC (Black America's Political Action)

* Fellowship For Reconciliation
* National Institute For the Advancement Of Science
* International Association For Environmental Cooperation
* World Wildlife Federation
* Council On Foreign Relations (CFR)
* Council Of Emerging Nations
* Freedom Communications, Inc.
* The European Institute (Foreign Affairs Magazine)
* United Nations Association of The USA
* The NAACP (National Association of Colored People)
* The Royal Heritage Charitable Relief Fund

The Windsor Bank promptly changed their page and deleted all traces of the connections. They no longer have a web presence.

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