
There are many churches around the world that teach about the evils that can be learned from reading the “Necronomicon,” by Abdul Alhazred.
These churches state that the, “Necronomicon,” is a book that is inspired by Satan himself and the book itself will drag people straight to HELL.
The Necronomicon of Alhazred, (literally:“Book of the Dead Names”) In times past the book has been referred to guardedly as Al Azif, and also the Book of the Arab. Azif is a word the Arabs use to refer to nocturnal insects, but it is also a reference to the howling of demons. The Necronomicon was written in seven volumes, and runs to over 900 pages in the Latin edition.
What is the content of the Necronomicon?

Alhazred appears to have access to many sources now lost, or is it.
He believed that many species besides the human race had inhabited the Earth, and that much knowledge was passed to mankind in encounters with beings from “beyond the spheres” or from “other spheres”. He was also convinced that he had contacted beings he called the “Old Ones” using magical invocations.

This is virtually identical to the Jewish tradition of the Nephilim (the Giants of Genesis 6.2-6.5).
The story in Genesis is only a fragment of a larger tradition, another piece of which can be found in the apocryphal Book of Enoch.

According to this source, a group of angels sent to watch over the Earth and saw the daughters of men and lusted after them. Unwilling to act individually, they swore an oath and bound themselves together, and two hundred of these “Watchers” descended to Earth and took themselves wives.

Their wives bore giant offspring. The giants turned against nature and began to “sin against birds, beasts, reptiles and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood”. The fallen angels taught how to make weapons of war, and jewellery, and cosmetics, and enchantments, and astrology, and other secrets.
Black magician and Satanist Alester Crowley read the translation of the Necronomicon in the Bodleian, probably while researching; too many passages in Crowley’s “Book of the Law” read like a transcription of passages in that translation.

Necronomicon was the first major published compendium of images by Swiss artist H.R.Giger. originally published in 1977, the book was given to director Ridley Scott during the pre-production of the film ALIEN, who then hired Giger to produce artwork and conceptual designs for the film.

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 Look at Vin Diesel’s Tattoo.

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