Number 101

In mathematics
101 is the 26th prime number and a palindromic number (and so a palindromic prime). With which it makes a twin prime pair, making 101 a Chen prime. Because the period length of its reciprocal is unique among primes, 101 is a unique prime. 101 is an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form 3n − 1.
On the seven-segment display of a calculator, 101 is both a strobogrammatic prime and a dihedral prime.
In science
In mineralogy, a Miller index of 101 is a crystal face that crosses the horizontal axis (a) and 3d vertical axis (c) but does not cross the 2d vertical axis (b). In physics and chemistry, it is the atomic number of mendelevium, an actinide.

Properties of the number 101

The symbolism of 101 would be the same as the number 11, according to R. Allendy, "with a difference of two degrees between the two units considered: the Whole and the under-part".

In 1973, in Akita in Japan, the Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Agnes Sasagawa and for this day she received daily messages in these appearances. The statue of her convent, an exact copy of the Our-Lady image of all Nations, poured tears on 101 occasions. Just like the appearances in Amsterdam, the messages of Sister Agnes refer to the Virgin Mary like redeemer with the Christ. One day, her guardian angel appeared to her with a Bible opened. When Sister Agnes recognized the passage of chapter 3, verse 15 of the book of the Genesis, the angel explained to her: "There is a meaning to the number 101. It means that the sin has entered in the world by a woman and it is by a woman that will come the salvation.
The zero between the two 1, represents the God eternal, being of all eternity until the eternity. The first 1 represents Eve and the second, the Virgin Mary." The Father Yasuda, the spiritual director of Sister Agnes, commented that this passage of the Genesis is considered as the first gleam of the salvation, the first promise of a Saviour, made by God. It is also the first verse of the Bible referring to the Immaculate Conception of Mary, who never was under the domination of Satan.


"Love", written in Greek language, "h agaph", gives as numerical value 101 = 8+1+3+1+80+8.

By using as the correspondence table A=1, B=2, ..., Z=26, we find that "Sun Of God" gives 101.

The numerical values of Hebrew word MIKAL meaning the Michael archangel, MLVKE meaning kingdom and also virgin princess, gives each one 101.

The number 101 is the number 11 which represents light. All the words you wrote from 1 to 9 when reduced = 17. The 0 you wrote the word UNITY = 26 = 8.

LIGHT = 11

GOD = 17

UNITY = 26/8

GOD + UNITY = 25/7

The result is Light = 11 and GOD/UNITY = 7. When you add your Title 0 you can get 0117/1017/1107/1170. Genesis 1:3 says AND GOD SAID LET THERE BE LIGHT = 117. An amazing message. You may want to check out the number 117 on this website.

Now; boths sides of the duality give different meanings to the number101:

101 is made of :

11 = GATE


- OCCULT: 0 is the SUN and 11 the GATE. Therefore, since they consider themselves as GUARDIANS (of the cyles) they use the 11 (2) TOWERS plus a SHIELD to symbolize THE GATE OF RA (SUNGOD) Examples; Masonic flags as that of Spain.

This way they CONCEAL/HIDE what is really behind the GATE, trapping us within the Solar System. 101= THE CREATOR tells us that BEYOND THE GATE IS THE CONNECTION WITH THE CREATOR THRU THE ETHER, WISDOM, LOVE and also THE COSMIC CYCLES.

100 MEANS THAT THE DOOR IS NOW OPEN; COMPLETION. Time for the Cycle of Purification. Solar Flares.


In the NRSV, the word Church is used 101 times, all in the NT.

The sum of the occurrences of all numbers of the Bible multiples of 18 gives 101.

The film of Walt Disney,
"The 101 Dalmatians",
according to D. Smith, 1961.
One Hundred and One Dalmatians, often abbreviated as 101 Dalmatians, is a 1961 American animated film produced by Walt Disney and based on the novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith. Seventeenth in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, the film was originally released to theaters on January 25, 1961 by Buena Vista Distribution.

The film features Rod Taylor as the voice of Pongo, the first of the Dalmatians, and Betty Lou Gerson as the voice of the villainous Cruella de Vil. The plot centers on the fate of the kidnapped puppies of Pongo and Perdita.

Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians seems to be just an innocent, fun-loving group of puppies, but look again, this time more closely. The 101 Dalmatians story line contains a very cruel Black Witch, Cruella DeVil, whose name literally means Cruel Devil. She attempts classic witchcraft in her attempt to bring these puppies under her control. At this point, we need to point out that no one has done more since World War II to promote Witchcraft and Magic in our children's minds than Walt Disney. Cute characters, one after another, have been shown doing occultic, magical things to and for one another. Story line after story line have featured White and Black Magicians, concocting potions and creating spells, levitating objects, people and animals through the air. And it is made to appear so fun and innocent".
Room 101

In 1984, the novel by George Orwell, People are tortured in Room 101.Psalm 101 is very much about someone who is 'tortured' by fellow man. Read it for yourself. The 101st verse of the NT says: "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake (Matthew 5:11).“
Now, 'God's torture' is really LOVE, so interestingly enough in the introduction of this number, the Gematria of agape, love, is said to be 101.

The number 101 appears several times in the movie. What does it mean? [UPDATED]

A: 101 actually appears a number of times in all three films, and though no one knows exactly what it means (if anything), the popular explanation is this: 101 is binary for 5 (which to a computer is the sixth number because computers count from 0), and the events of the three films take place in the 6th interation of the Matrix. Neo is the sixth One, this is the sixth time the machines have destroyed Zion, etc. We learn that this is the sixth iteration from The Architect's conversation.

Another popular explanation for its prominence: 101 is a direct reference to George Orwell's 1984. Room 101 is the place in which a persons greatest fear of all is enclosed. Thanks to Daniel Bryan-Curnow for the Orwell reference!

-There are 23 people neo has to choose...

(23 is the illuminati. number...)

-In Part one, neos door had the number 101, which in decimal code equivallent to 5 is. 23---2+3=5

-In Part two when neo, trinty and morpheus visit the frenchmen, there is 101 at the entrace of the floor!

Has anybody noticed any other sings?

Room 101 is the tiny apartment where Thomas A. Anderson lived in the Matrix.

In his room, Neo is awakened and confused by strange messages from his computer that tell him, "THE MATRIX HAS YOU..." and "FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT".

A party of people led by Choi and Dujour visit Neo at his apartment for some illicit software disks. He leaves the apartment with Choi and Dujour after Neo sees the white rabbit tattoo on Dujour's shoulder, remembering the strange messages from his computer. At the dark dance club, Neo meets Trinity for the first time, who sent Neo along his path that night.

In his apartment, Neo's alarm clock, or the alarm itself, appears to be faulty, resulting in his late arrival to his job as a software programmer at MetaCortex.

Neo awakens again in his apartment (materialized there to falsely believe he experienced a nightmare) after Agents interrogated him that afternoon and planted a bug in Neo's body to help them find the "terrorist" named Morpheus. Morpheus asks Neo if he wanted to meet, and instructs him to go the intersection of Wells and Lake Streets. It would be the last time that Neo would inhabit Room 101.

The room number, 101, is an allusion by The Wachowski Brothers to Neo's destiny as The One, and contrasts to Room 303, a surveillance room used by Trinity. 101 is also the number usually attributed to a course or manual for beginners in a particular field (here would be philosophy).

Room 101 can also been as an allusion to the room 101 of George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. It is a torture chamber in the Ministry of Love in which a prisoner is subjected to his or her own worst nightmare, fear or phobia..

The Number 101 also appears in The Matrix Reloaded when Morpheus, Neo, and Trinity first go meet the Merovingian. It is above them as they are walking down the hall.

Possibly another Orwell reference seeing as how their worst fears are realized in this place. The place is wired with explosives as well as the Ghost Twins and one of the Vampires that Persephone later kills. The French Man is a Hades figure as well as in Club Hel in Matrix Revolutions, which alludes to him being a Hades figure, as well as his Persephone who betrays him like in the Greek story.

The number 101 also represents the customary Masonic lodge number. This number in Masonry represents the Temple of Solomon's two pillars, Baoz and Jachin, (1's) accompanied by the central Brazen Sea (0). Forming the "101", which literally symbolizes the entrance to the Holy of Holies, or figuratively signifies the beginning of one's esoteric and gnostic journey to self-actualization.

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