Uploaded on Oct 24, 2011
Hi, in this video im going to explain the events that ocurred in the Bible, in Genesis chapter 6, The bible does not , talks much about this , but there are other very trustworthy sources like : The book of enoch , the Book of Jasher and the Book of Jubilees that explain with details , what happened in this events .
Jesus gave us signs to watch out for, Signs that will tell his people that Jesus second coming is close, "As the days of Noah were like so shall the coming of the Son of Man be". today we are seeing , Transgenics and Genetic manipulation , U.F.O'S, "Alien Beings" that are Abducting people , have a great interest in Mankind sexuality, and want to create some sort of Hybrid Race.
Just like in the days of Noah. Are we living in the last days? Are you saved?

God Bless you.

Matthew 24:37
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

"When the Son of Man comes again, it will be exactly like the days of Noah.

But of that Day and Hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of Heaven, but my Father only.
But as the Days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Words by Jesus Christ.

In the Bible we can find that in the book of Genesis Adam and Eve were banished from the garden of Eden. Satan succeeded in deceiving Eve She disobeyed God that had told them not to eat from the tree.  eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 

Legends abound that Taliban ancient world that once thrived on this earth but which perished by means of a great flood. The Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh and the legend of the lost continent Atlantis are just too variations on this story: exist in the folklore of all people evidence that disaster left a lasting impression on the collective memory of mankind.
But only the Bible gives in and knowledge to counter why God destroyed the world. The 6th chapter of Genesis tells as that spirit Sons of God angels materialized as men in order to procreate with women the Bible says that they chose as many wives for themselves as the wanted.
  The results of the unnatural union between angels and women was the birth of a freakish race Giants called the Nephilim. The Bible says that thy were the mighty ones of old.

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