Prophecy Egypt

For – Told  2,500 years ago the ‘nightmare’ has only just begun.
Revolution 2011 the Arab spring explodes across Egypt unprecedented in ‘6,000 years’ of Egyptian history.

ISAIAH - Chapter 19
v14 The LORD hath mingled a 'PERVERSE SPIRIT'
in the midst thereof

and  they have caused EGYPT to err in every work thereof

I will set the EGYPTIANS against the EGYPTIANS
Isaiah 19 v2


...and they shall fight everyone against his brother and everyone against his neighbour
Isaiah 19 v2


...City against City and Kingdom against Kingdom
Isiah 19 v2


the 'spirit' of EGYPT shall fail in the midst thereof...
Isaiah 19 v3

Neither shall there be 'any work' for EGYPT
Isaiah 19 v15


And the EGYPTIANS will I give over into the hand of a 'CRUEL LORD'
Isaiah 19 v4

In just one year
Christian groups.
Journalists/ press.
Political opponents.
Egyptian parliament.
Military command.
Supreme court.

The Book of Isaiah continues...

...and 'A FIERCE KING' GOG (Russian)?
shall rule over them, saith the LORD
Isaiah 19 v4


In the 'LATTER TIME' of their (man's) kingdom when the transgressors are come to the full.

A KING of FIERCE countenance  GOG (Russian)?
understanding dark sentences, shall stand up...

His power shall be mighty
...but NOT by his own power

He shall destroy wonderfully and shall prosper and practise and shall destroy the mighty
Daniel 8 v23-24

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Fulfilment of Bible Prophecy is COMING SOON!!!


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