Prophecy Destruction of Damascus Syria

“Behold, Damascus will cease from being a City, and it will be a ruinous heap.’
Isaiah 17:1 (HOLY BIBLE)

The 2011 / 2012 ‘Arab Spring’ engulfs Syria.
The 2011--2012 Syrian uprising is an ongoing internal conflict in Syria, a part of the wider Arab Spring, that began in January 2011. 
Public demonstrations first took place on 26 January 2011, but were only a sporadic occurrence until mass protests erupted in Damascus on 15 March. The situation quickly developed into a full-scale nationwide uprising, with protesters demanding the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad and the overthrow of the government. 

The situation in Syria is part of the Arab Spring, a wave of social upheaval throughout the Arab World demanding greater political freedom and an end to autocracy. Inspired by the successful revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, Syrian protesters have employed the use of tactics such as marches, hunger strikes, rioting, and vandalism, in a sustained campaign of civil resistance aimed at ending nearly five decades of Ba'athist rule. The uprising was described as "unprecedented" by several political commentators.

Where will this anarchy lead?

Is there worse to come?

It will be a time of opportunity!
Israel will be weak & vulnerable Arab nations in turmoil & vast energy resources up for ‘the taking’

The Bible reveals the approach of a foreign invader ‘coming’ in the Middle East.

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