Manly Palmer Hall.

(1901 – 1990 ) Perhaps the greatest Masonic Philosopher, author of around 200 books,

Covert co-leader of many religious groups. ILLUMINATUS.

The author of over 50 books and more than 65 smaller works, Hall was also the founder and a past president of the Philosophical Research Society OF Los Angeles, California. He is best known for writing the Lost Keys of Freemasonry (1923), the Dionysian Artificers (1926).

By 1928, after 6 years of work and raising $100,000 for the first edition, Manly Hall finally published what has become a valuable classic for those who want to learn about the history of the Occult and the ‘Ancient Wisdom” mystery schools:

The secret teachings of all ages. A quarter of a century later, the sheer breadth and scope of the work remains impressive: “Pythagorean mathematics: alchemical formulae: hermetic doctrine, the workings of the KABALA, the geometry of ancient Egypt, the native American Myths, the uses of cryptograms, an analysis of the tarot, the symbols of rosacrucianism, the esotericism of the shake spearean dramas these are just a few of Halls topics.”

In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a Research institute modelled on the ancient school of Pythagoras. It was here that he made his home, he held weekly lectures and continued to publish an incredible body of work. In the year of his death, Manly P. HALL WAS BESTOWED WITH THE HONORARY 33 OF Scottish Rite Masonry.

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